Everything Is Connected
The concept of interconnectedness is everywhere—from every spiritual tradition to the latest discoveries in science. The more we learn, the more we understand that every level of organization, every form of matter, energy, and life, is connected.
Many people feel powerless to make a true impact. However, the truth is that our actions ripple outward, affecting our friends, families, coworkers, and communities in profound ways we often cannot see.
We’ve been given the incredible gift of consciousness, which allows us to deeply understand our interconnectedness. We have the power to shape the systems that, in turn, shape us.
At Course Connection, we believe that by learning to connect — to ourselves, to each other, and to the systems we are part of — we can harness the power to create amazing things.
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”
—African proverb
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The level of success we can achieve—personally and professionally—depends on the quality of our relationships. The quality of our relationships depends on our level of emotional intelligence, or EQ.
At Course Connection, one of the ways we help teams and individuals reach their goals is by developing high EQ.